Manage Late Postings with New "Accounting Date" Option
If you've ever had a purchase post by a merchant a few days late—or even a month late—you'll know it can make reconciliation more difficult. With the Accounting Date option in Finfare's expense management app, you can easily change the date to better align with your accounting and make your reconciliation process more accurate.
New Enhancements to Improve Your Experience
Search-ability and Filtering in Cards and People pages is now improved with additional filter options and dropdown functionality. Search parameters now include Cardholder Name and Card Nickname to help you find things quicker.
Deeplinking is now updated, giving you the ability to bookmark, copy/paste, and share specific pages within Finfare's expense management app.
Bug Fixes and Other Improvements
- Payment reminder emails have resumed
- Mobile UI/UX updates for improved experience on mobile browser/ smartphone
- Inactive logout now increased to 15 minutes from previous 5 minutes
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